Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Socialism of the 21st Century


Sounds like a horror movie, and are lead killer, monster, rapist scumbag is none other than Hugo Chavez.

Monday, January 15, 2007

A special gift to the newly married....

I married a Venezuelan. He is hot, smart, sweet and caring. The only pitfall of our perfect life together is that I will never get to know him the way he knows me. I can show him the house I grew up in, the schools I attended, even the parks where I played as a kid. For me to see the same in return would mean a trip to Venezuela, a beautiful country with wonderful people and a big fat asshole ruler who makes George Bush look like a saint....

First off - please do not get me wrong. I hate George Bush. I campaigned door to door for Kerry, trying to save us from 4 more years of this idiot. As far as I am concerned George Bush should be put on trial for crimes against humanity. But just because George Bush sucks and Hugo Chavez hates him does not make him a good person. Remember all - Osama Bin Laden also hated Bush.

So since I am newly married and supposed to get presents, I am calling for every single US citizen to give me a gift. Stop buying gas at Citgo. Citgo is owned by Venezuela, which for the most part is now owned by Chavez. The more gas you buy at Citgo, the more money Chavez will have to support his dictatorship over Venezuela. If you are not aware of how bad it really all is, read this website http://www.vcrisis.com.